Sunday, August 16, 2020

Life, Opinions and WW

 Wow can any one agree that they are so done with all the craziness in the world. I pray everyday that people wake up and see how the media is and others are destroying our country. My saying is "A lot of people need to find Jesus and Pray" Amen! Okay I am not going there because since this craziness has happen I had to find Jesus and pray myself. The devil is trying to take my Joy. 

Alright let get to why I felt like I needed to write a blog. I am totaling discouraged with WW (formerly weight watchers). Because of the craziness of the world they have closed my workshop until further notices. I have been doing virtual and I enjoy it but I am not a person for change. It has derailed me until I have gained 10 pounds. I reset everyday, I make a plan and say today is the day. I have meal prepped and I have done just 1 meatless meal a day. I am still keeping up my exercise everyday except Sundays. But then I let life drag me down. I let the all of the who cares sneak into my brain or I want the cookies, candy, ice cream, and other sweets and who cares? But the bad part is I just tell myself I can not give up. 

I sit and think what do I need to do? What do I need to change? Do I need to try something different? (which means spending money, or changing coaches) I let myself get derailed and I know what to do it is Lack of DOING IT!! I liked this quote someone shared "You Don't Like Motivation You Lack Discipline"

This brought back memories in highschool when a teacher went into all of my classrooms and posted Self-Discipline signs. This made me so mad but in high school I had  a bad attitude and like he does not know me and what I can do. I passed his class maybe because of the fact I was mad or the fact I put a little more effort in when I got mad. But I can not seem to get mad at weight loss anymore and that scares me. 

Well I don't know what else to say. I had so much on my mind and got to typing and everything has slipped my mind. Thanks for stopping by if you read this far! 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Farm catch up

Wow it has been a long time since I made a blog post. Not a lot has been happening here on the farm. We have had so much rain that we have had to replant the garden 3 times. We have bought 3 flats of tomatoes and I don't think we even have a flat still living but the beans, squash and cucumbers are finally starting to come up and grow. We have a lot of blueberries waiting to ripen. We have also have tame blackberries and grape. I had pictures of them blooming and grapes hanging on the vines but they are missing.
Blueberries but not ripening yet

This is all wild blackberries With all the rain it has grown up to you can not barely get to them

Here are the wild blackberries getting ripe

Here is another picture

I picked a few


We have gone on vacation since the last time I blogged. We went to the beach and had a wonderful time. It was so nice to get away from the craziness of the world. We now have  chickens back and trying to slowly get back to a so called normal life. 

Someone made a dog sculpture on the beach

A family picture


Here are some pictures from the yard.

Hydrangea should have taken a more recent picture they are so brilliant blue/purple

My fig tree has figs the first time ever 5 of them. I wonder if they will get ripe

Firepoker again I needed a newer picture

I have not been doing great with my WW. I have not been able to get back on track. I have officially gained  10 pounds back. I am trying hard to get my act together I so a picture the other day on Instagram that That said "YOU DON'T LACK MOTIVATION, YOU LACK DISCIPLINE" This really struck a cord in me from teenage memory of a teacher telling me I don't have any  self-discipline. He put a small sign of this in every class I had. Oh well I am going to prove I have discipline I am back on track and I hope to stay that way!!

This evening the sky was beautiful I had to go out and take pictures of it.

Well I guess I will end it here. I will try to do better getting a new post up. Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Who is as sick as me of being quarantined?  It has really opened my eyes and made me realize the world will never be the same again. I think God is telling us it is time to get our act together and get right with him before it is to late. I will not go into a rant on this topic but I am tired of the crap.

I went the longest I have ever gone without coloring my hair. I did not consider myself a modest person my no means but at 53 years old I do not want to be gray headed. I don't understand why everyone wants me to be gray headed. I color it myself and it usually only cost less than 10$ bucks.
I am my mothers child for sure.
I am still trying to diet. I am hoping I am back on track. I have been gaining weight and not losing but I hope this month is the month I turn it around. We went fishing the other day and Seth my oldest son caught a pretty good size bass. I caught a smaller one, but when I saw the picture I was shocked how much weight I can see that I gained.
Seth was a little scared to hold it so his daddy is standy close to him and holding it for him
Little chunky woman!

 It was memorial day at our church this past Sunday. Here is my daddys and grandmas graves

Well I don't have a lot to say but maybe I will get another one soon. Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

When you try to eat healthy ....

Eating healthy has become the hardest thing I have done in a while. I have started a fb page hoping that would motivate me to eat healthy. I am reading devotions on giving it to God and letting him be what you crave. I am still attending WW meetings, in accountable groups, I even have a WW friends that are messaging me trying to help me. But all I am doing is failing. I am so disappointed in myself. It is not helping that this past week that I have been stressed out of my comfort zone. Fragile X has been hitting hard at my house this week with bad behavior and meltdowns. The world seem s to be off it rocker and I know it is going to get worse before it gets better. Then things on the farm have not been the best either with stuff breaking and other stuff. I trust God has got us and will get us through the trail and error.

My WW coach thinks my problem is that I have lost my motivation to eat healthy. This is very possible but I don't know how to get it back. I pray about it I talk about it, I write about it but that is not getting it done. I use to want someone to make me angry but I am not sure that would help. I often wonder if I would stop exercising and just focus my nutrition. The last time I did WW strictly and lost a lot of weight I got to about the same place I am now. I was exercising every day. Walking 4 miles and lifting weights. I had to stop because the boys were little then and school got out for the summer. That summer  I got 3 pounds from my goal weight and I stopped going to WW and started gaining it back. I am so scared to stop exercising worried I will not ever start back. That I might get flabby and lots of lose skin. I really wish I had the answers. I feel like I am just venting but I really need guidance. I will continue praying and maybe soon the answer will be clear!! Thanks for listening.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

When you have ideas....

Hey everybody. I really want to start videoing myself and life on the farm, weight loss and fragile x. I have become addicted to youtube videos. But I am scared. The first thing is I hate to hear myself talk. I love the videos of people on their farms and homesteads. I love Cog Hill Farm, This farm wife, Sandy Brook sheep farm and Stoney Ridge farm. to just name a few. I want to be inspirational to people. But I am scared. I love watching instagram stories for the WW ambassadors,  I love following and watching Kara with Wellness Witness. She is a fitness teacher, gospel preacher. I love her podcast. The last one I listen to was about "What is my calling and what do I do next?"

This is the podcast if you want to listen to it. It is so inspiring. I listen to this one the other day and it inspired me to bible journal.

I am now just rambling like I have no idea what I am talking about. I started a fb page about Losing my last 25 pounds. But I feel like it is just boring and I have tried to make a video and I am so inexperienced it was horrible.

Oh well I wish I had something more interesting to talk about. I am just talking out what is in my head. I am going to keep praying about it and see if this is really a calling I am feeling or not?

Thanks for stopping by if you read this far.

Saturday, February 22, 2020


Hey everybody it snowed!! I am so excited that we finally got some snow this winter. It was the perfect snow the kind that comes and goes quickly and it did not make the power go off. I wish my grown sons liked to play in the snow but they dont. My youngest one like to ride the 4-wheeler in the snow but the Farmer was so busy that he did not get to take him. There were lots of trees laying a cross the driveway from the heavy snow. These pictures are from the next day the snow had already started melting. I left my snowman out from Christmas hoping he would bring some snow I can put him up now.

I am still struggling to get my nutrition back on track. I was looking back at my WW app and I have not lost any weight since December 3. I know what to do and I am working on it. Prayers that my mindset will get it back together soon.

Thanks for stopping by

Friday, February 14, 2020

Rain and bible journaling

Hey everybody Hope all is going well. We are still having raining weather. Not really much of a winter. I really like to have at least one snow.  Here are a few pictures of the puddles around the chicken houses

beside the chicken house

Thought this was neat the puddle under the fan
The Farmer brought me some flowers. He loves me.

 I am really working on getting my act together with my food. I just can not seem to get it under control totally to lose weight again. I will be doing WW for one year on February 19. I really want to get to lifetime goal but without getting my nutrition under control it is not going to happen.

I went to bible journaling tonight and it was awesome!! I never been a person that could write in books but doing bible journaling brings me joy!!! Here is the one I made tonight.

Well thanks for stopping by I dont know how to close this after the podcast I shared It will not let me type any more below it. 

I have also started listening to a wonderful podcast Kara Osborn .

Friday, January 31, 2020


I just wrote this whole blog posted it and it messed up and deleted the whole post. So I am having to go back and do it all over. This makes me so frustrated. 

Tomorrow is the first day of February. Today is my moms birthday. It has been a sad day missing her. It is also my nephews birthday is his 17 years old today. So hard to believe. I can not believe that she did not get to meet all of her grandsons She left this world way to early but God needed her more than we did. I also noticed for the first time today that he looks so much like his granny/my mama.  

It is so hard to believe that we are already 31 days into a New Year and I have not gotten my mindset back to get on track to losing weight and eating healthy I have eaten over my points almost everyday I know that I whine and grumble a lot about myself and weight loss journey. Most everything that goes wrong is my fault and I am so slack on getting myself back on track. It is a constant battle with my brain and my love of food. I am just realizing that I joined WW February 19 last year. I lost 20 pounds last year and I have kept it off. I have a total of 70 pounds off my body. It has taken me 6 to 7 years to do this but I am proud of myself because I have kept it off unlike all the other time of losing and gaining. I am hoping this is this is the month that the scales get too moving again. 

I am also going to start the Photo of the day for the month of February I get my prompts from the FMS Photo a day. Some of the prompts might be a little challenging but I have missed taking pictures so I am excited to get my camera out and start getting it done again. 

Well I guess that is all I have got to write about. I will try to share some of the pictures as the month goes by. Thanks for stopping by 

Friday, January 24, 2020

I won Chocolate pie.....

Well there was a sort of contest on Facbook with an local produce stand by the name of PR Moore's in Biscoe NC .  You had to like, share and comment on the photo for a drawing to win 12 fried chocolate pies made by the owner herself. I did this but I did nto think no more about it because I very seldom win. I have been trying to stay off facebook as much so yesterday I did not go on there but once yesterday morning. Oh yes the Farmer said that I seem to be down because I have not lost weight in a long time and that I should join zumba back for 5 visit and see if that will help me lose some weight and get me back on track. Well I sat down around 5:00 pm to see what was going on on facebook and I noticed that I had a friend request. I did not recognize the name so I click on her and it was the owner of PR's telling me I won the pies!!! Well they close at 5:30 so I did not get to go and pick them up until this morning. I  can not believe I won some pies!!!

This is what it looks like in the inside.
I have done terrible on my diet today. I ate 2 of them. I have no self control. I did give 4 of them away 2 to my bff and 2 to my in-laws. I shared with the family and they are gone. Stuff like this does not need to be in my house but they were delicious. I am also so happy I won!! Well that was a short post Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Stuff that is going on around the farm

I dont have a lot to share abou tthe farm it has been so wet and muddy that I have not been out and about. The Farmer is still working you know how that is a Farmer never has a day off. Our chickens are a little over 12 days old.

I am still going to WW formerly (weight watchers) but I am having a hard time getting back on track. I am not tracking good or eating good. I am having way to many snacks and to high of points daily. I need to hit reset. I gained 3 pounds over the holidays and I have not gotten it back off yet. I just finished up 21 day fix real time exercise program and planning on starting a little obsess and a little more obsess leading to 80 day obsession in 2 weeks. I am praying that I will get on track again starting this week.

We bought a puzzle with 1000 pieces and put it together in 10 days. I have not put a puzzle together in years. My mom loved to put puzzles together with lots of piece and they were always hard.
This is when we first started
Oh I think I told you before that I started doing bible journal last  year. I love it Not sure if I have ever share a picture

This is my bible I just got some tabs to mark the books of the bible.

The Farmer went and picked me some kale and turnips We have a beautiful patch but there is no one that wants any.

I made some turnip fries today. I cooked a very lean pork in crockpot and made BBQ out of it.

Here is a picture of my lunch today
  I guess this is part of the reason I am not losing weight but is sure was yummy. Well I guess this is about all I have. I need to do better with coming up with something to write about. I really want to blog my last of the weight loss journey. Starting tomorrow Sunday It is a reset day. I am making this comment I saw yesterday that it was the day most people stop their New Year resolutions or fall off track with exercise and healthy dedications but not me!!  I can not figure out how to fill in on the picture so I put mine underneath.

1. I am going to get life-time  reach goal this year Lose 20 pounds
2. Track Honestly
3. Exercise

Well if you have stayed this long thanks for stopping by. I am going to really try hard ot do better with blogging Remember my word of the year is consistent 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

2020 Happy New Year

Wow another year has come and gone. Why is it the older we get faster time seems to go. I am planning on making 2020 a great year.

My word for 2020 is
CONSISTENT: marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity : free from variation or contradiction  definition from Webster.

I am choosing consistent so that I will stay consistent in my bible reading, my healthy eating, exercise and blogging at least 2 times a month. I started a new devotional this morning and I am so excited about it. It is called Bible and Breakfast and every since I decided to go on the Pursuit of Happiness several years back I have been trying to get closer and closer to God. One thing I have want to do is to learn how to dig deeper in the bible and pray to understand,

  I feel like my word last year I did really good with it. I tried really hard to find JOY in everything. Some does were hard but I pulled through. 

I did a lot better with weight loss in 2019. I lost 23 pounds since I joined WW and I am hoping in 2020 I will reach goal! 

Christmas 2018

Christmas 2019

I can tell a difference in my face and neck. Well I guess that is all I can come up with. Thanks for stopping by.