Saturday, January 18, 2020

Stuff that is going on around the farm

I dont have a lot to share abou tthe farm it has been so wet and muddy that I have not been out and about. The Farmer is still working you know how that is a Farmer never has a day off. Our chickens are a little over 12 days old.

I am still going to WW formerly (weight watchers) but I am having a hard time getting back on track. I am not tracking good or eating good. I am having way to many snacks and to high of points daily. I need to hit reset. I gained 3 pounds over the holidays and I have not gotten it back off yet. I just finished up 21 day fix real time exercise program and planning on starting a little obsess and a little more obsess leading to 80 day obsession in 2 weeks. I am praying that I will get on track again starting this week.

We bought a puzzle with 1000 pieces and put it together in 10 days. I have not put a puzzle together in years. My mom loved to put puzzles together with lots of piece and they were always hard.
This is when we first started
Oh I think I told you before that I started doing bible journal last  year. I love it Not sure if I have ever share a picture

This is my bible I just got some tabs to mark the books of the bible.

The Farmer went and picked me some kale and turnips We have a beautiful patch but there is no one that wants any.

I made some turnip fries today. I cooked a very lean pork in crockpot and made BBQ out of it.

Here is a picture of my lunch today
  I guess this is part of the reason I am not losing weight but is sure was yummy. Well I guess this is about all I have. I need to do better with coming up with something to write about. I really want to blog my last of the weight loss journey. Starting tomorrow Sunday It is a reset day. I am making this comment I saw yesterday that it was the day most people stop their New Year resolutions or fall off track with exercise and healthy dedications but not me!!  I can not figure out how to fill in on the picture so I put mine underneath.

1. I am going to get life-time  reach goal this year Lose 20 pounds
2. Track Honestly
3. Exercise

Well if you have stayed this long thanks for stopping by. I am going to really try hard ot do better with blogging Remember my word of the year is consistent 

1 comment:

  1. Aww-baby chickens! Ours are going out tomorrow and we should be out about 14 days. A tornado took out some houses across the river last week, so that puts the out time less for us. Boo-hoo! I was looking forward to more time out.
    I like turnips but no one else in the family does, so I don't cook them. I've never had turnip fries but that sounds good!
    I wonder, when we get to heaven, can we eat anything we want? I'm the "eat to live" type and a lot of foods upset me (Coke is the worse and I like it after a morning of work). Just hang in there with the weight lose.


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