Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Well another Christmas has come and gone with out my sweet boy. I have let emotions over whelm me some of the days and emotionaly eating. I have gained 7 pounds and I was in 2 accountable groups to try to maintain or lose through the holidays. I ended the year weighing more than I did at the first of the year. Oh well a lot has happened this year and I have been so slack and not made blog post. I have grown closer to God my Father and Jesus my saviour and the Holy spirit that is with me everyday. I have worked hard all year to heal and forgive. I have come a long ways. The devil is constantly whispering lies in my ear and trying to discouarage me. To take me down and pull me away from God but he does not succeed. I try to stay in Gods word daily, journal and read a devotional book. I listen to a lot of praise music. I try to always find Joy even when it seems impossibl. I hit my knees alot with my face on the floor and tears in my eyes. I Thank God eveynight for all of my blessing. I just keep trying to be a better God fearing woman. I plan on going into the new year with the word to try and work into my life daily "Determined" I am determined to be a humble christain woman that people can see how God is working in my life. Here are a few pictres from Christmas.
Us at Morrow Mountain
Mattie Ross playing with the Christmas ribbon
Daddy's and Seth's graves
Mama's and Granny's grave
Christmas Day I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year. Prayers That 2024 is a year full of God and his wil.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Life update

Well I really don't like this blog format anymore. I dislike how it loads pictures now. You can not make a post and see the pictures until it is published. Oh well I guess it dosen't matter since I have not posted anything in almost a year. Not a lot has happened since the lost post I made. We are still farming. We are still relying on God to get through every day. The anniversary of Seth death was November 15. It is so hard to believe that my son has been gone from this earth for 2 years. Where did the time go?? I have put up my Christmas trees.
we also cut a cedar tree to decorate at grandmas house without lights just balls
I decorated my house on November 1