Sunday, August 16, 2020

Life, Opinions and WW

 Wow can any one agree that they are so done with all the craziness in the world. I pray everyday that people wake up and see how the media is and others are destroying our country. My saying is "A lot of people need to find Jesus and Pray" Amen! Okay I am not going there because since this craziness has happen I had to find Jesus and pray myself. The devil is trying to take my Joy. 

Alright let get to why I felt like I needed to write a blog. I am totaling discouraged with WW (formerly weight watchers). Because of the craziness of the world they have closed my workshop until further notices. I have been doing virtual and I enjoy it but I am not a person for change. It has derailed me until I have gained 10 pounds. I reset everyday, I make a plan and say today is the day. I have meal prepped and I have done just 1 meatless meal a day. I am still keeping up my exercise everyday except Sundays. But then I let life drag me down. I let the all of the who cares sneak into my brain or I want the cookies, candy, ice cream, and other sweets and who cares? But the bad part is I just tell myself I can not give up. 

I sit and think what do I need to do? What do I need to change? Do I need to try something different? (which means spending money, or changing coaches) I let myself get derailed and I know what to do it is Lack of DOING IT!! I liked this quote someone shared "You Don't Like Motivation You Lack Discipline"

This brought back memories in highschool when a teacher went into all of my classrooms and posted Self-Discipline signs. This made me so mad but in high school I had  a bad attitude and like he does not know me and what I can do. I passed his class maybe because of the fact I was mad or the fact I put a little more effort in when I got mad. But I can not seem to get mad at weight loss anymore and that scares me. 

Well I don't know what else to say. I had so much on my mind and got to typing and everything has slipped my mind. Thanks for stopping by if you read this far!