Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Who is as sick as me of being quarantined?  It has really opened my eyes and made me realize the world will never be the same again. I think God is telling us it is time to get our act together and get right with him before it is to late. I will not go into a rant on this topic but I am tired of the crap.

I went the longest I have ever gone without coloring my hair. I did not consider myself a modest person my no means but at 53 years old I do not want to be gray headed. I don't understand why everyone wants me to be gray headed. I color it myself and it usually only cost less than 10$ bucks.
I am my mothers child for sure.
I am still trying to diet. I am hoping I am back on track. I have been gaining weight and not losing but I hope this month is the month I turn it around. We went fishing the other day and Seth my oldest son caught a pretty good size bass. I caught a smaller one, but when I saw the picture I was shocked how much weight I can see that I gained.
Seth was a little scared to hold it so his daddy is standy close to him and holding it for him
Little chunky woman!

 It was memorial day at our church this past Sunday. Here is my daddys and grandmas graves

Well I don't have a lot to say but maybe I will get another one soon. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Good grief! Can't believe you wrote this on May 6. Don't the days go by fast. I can't believe that's you with the grey hair. It's pretty but I love your dark hair better. I should color mine. My hair is three different colors, brown and grey. :( Pure ugly! Have you and Frank got a big garden planted? We need the rain that's coming this week. I love you Vicki.


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