Saturday, November 2, 2019


Wow I can not believe it is already November But back to Halloween. Me and my oldest son went out to our church for trunk or treat. We had a great turn out and lots of fun! 

I dressed up like a Perdue chicken farmer

My salad patch has grown so much I have decide to sell it by 1/2 bushel for 5$

Today is my youngest sons birthday. It is still hard for me to believe that he is 24 years old.

Not much of a blog but I guess it is something. Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Vicki! You look so cute! Good grief! at the greens! Are't those pretty and green and healthy looking. Happy Birthday Clay. I can't believe he is 24 either. The years sure fly, don't they. That is such a good picture of Clay. Love you Vicki.

  2. What a beautiful patch of greens!! We never got any planted and I'm sure going to miss them this winter. I guess I'm like an old cow: need something green during the long winter days. :)

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