Thursday, November 21, 2019

Christmas OOPS wrong holiday

I love Christmas. I have been struggling with my weight loss and exercise. I have lost all motivation, So I put up my Christmas trees. 

This one is in my  den

This one is in my living room

And this one is in my living room
Thanksgiving is approaching and I have been losing and gaining the same 3 lbs for the last 2 months. I have got to stay focused. There are 40 more days left in the year and I have got to lose some more weight before the end of the year. I will not let myself gain. I can not manage to keep a promise to myself to stay on track with nutrition and I am about to lose motivation to exercise but I am going to push forward and conquer this.

This is a pitiful post but my family is ready for bed. Night


  1. Don't be too hard on yourself. You didn't look overweight in the pictures you posted previously. If your health is good, perhaps this is the weight you're supposed to be at? Anyway, don't let this take away from the happiness Christmas brings to us. God bless! By the way, your trees are beautiful! I don't decorate much anymore; just don't feel up to it.

    1. You are so sweet. The weight thing is more about my health I just really want to get to lifetime with Weight Watchers. I have came so close and give up and gain the weight back.
      Thanks about the trees I love Christmas I wish I had more room for more trees I am like that though with making crafts. I use to love to make ornaments every year for Christmas but now it just seems like to much trouble.

  2. Your trees are so pretty. Seems like more and more people are decorating before Thanksgiving. Must be because Thanksgiving is later this year. I'm excited about decorating too. Time goes by so fast...Christmas will be here before we know it. Love you!


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