Sunday, March 15, 2015


Today has been a great day! Clay did great a Sunday school. We had a great lunch. I made salmon patties, stewed potatoes, green beans, home canned corn, and home made biscuits. We took a ride in the country looking for a turkey but we did not see any. We took a ride on the mule over on pops land. I took a half mile walk but I have eaten terrible the rest of the day. I have had so much junk it is not even funny. The best part of the day I had was my Mommy's night out bible study. It was great! we are reading this great book

This book would have helped me more when my children were younger but I am still enjoying it now also. Since I have found my life with God in it everyday I am really enjoying it more. Thank you God for your Grace. 

This weekend has been hard because it marks 22 years since my dad passed away. Life is so different when both of your parents die in the same year 5 months apart. Life has went on without them and I have had a lot of good days and a lot of bad ones.  Miss you dad and wish you could have lived to see your 6 grandsons!! You would have been in hog heaven!


  1. It's good to stop and remember those who have left us. Your Dad looks like he was a cool guy.

    1. Thanks Red, he was a cool guy. Thanks for the comments.

  2. I am sure he is enjoying them from heaven and watching over all of you

    1. Thanks for stoping by and I believe he is to!

  3. How sweet Vicki. I'm sorry to be late seeing this post. Your dad was soooo handsome...and you look just like him! I love you!


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