Sunday, July 12, 2015

Blueberry, Blackberry and VBS

Saturday we went and picked blueberries and blackberries. It was hot but we had fun. The blackberries where huge but the junebugs were sucking on them. These are not the best pictures I took them with my phone real quick. I took my camera with all intentions to take pictures while picking but it was just to hot to lug the camera around and I did not have a pocket in my shorts to put my phone in to use the camera on it. Oh well you all probably did not want to hear all of that. I made a blackberry/blueberry cobbler today and it was yummy. I have enough berries to make another one soon.

Also on Saturday I  picked almost a bushel of green beans. Tomorrow I am planning on canning them. I love the Strike bush beans. They hang like grape clusters on the vines and makes it easy to pick them.

This is just part of them. I have a grocery bag full to

Here are a few after they were strung and snapped.

Tonight was the beginning of VBS (vacation bible school) at Smyrna Church. My boys really enjoy going there. They are getting to old to go. This may be the last year that we attend. I will really miss it. I wish more young people would attend so that they could continue going. The high school kids are helping out with classes. Oh well we will have fun this year. I will take my camera and take some pictures. 

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. There's nothing like fruit that comes right off the tree for good flavor.

    1. Very true!! I love fresh fruit and veggies.

  2. I would love to have a berry cobbler right now. Those green beans look good too. I planted those yard long beans...for fun. Yesterday I dug a row in the garden and planted it with half runner beans. Do you think it's too late? I would love to cook at least one pot of fresh green beans...with new potatoes on top. Love you Vicki.


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