Saturday, March 25, 2017

Cabbage and Broccoli Gone...... Diet update

We planted our potatoes, cabbage and broccoli just a little over a week ago and they were growing and looking so pretty. Went out there today to check on them and deer had come through and eat them to the ground. I am so mad!! See nothing but steams left.

It is looking like my dream of having an extended garden out at grandmas is just going to be a dream.
I was so looking forward to broccoli and cabbage. Now I am worried will the eat the potato plants when they start coming up. 

My diet is going good. I have started a new diet plan where I am eating more protein and less sugar. I have really been trying hard to stick to the plan. 

Here are some of the foods I have been eating. They are yummy! I will keep you updated how it ends. I measured and weigh on the day I started. It last 4 weeks. Wish me luck!

Thanks for stoping by.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vicki! Keep at that healthy eating! I need to keep trying as well. I am so sorry about the garden. I know how aggravating deer are with their eating all the plants!! Ugh! Jason has dozens of them, and they come pull things out of the ground and munch everything down to the roots. It is maddening!!!
    Love you!


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