Sunday, January 3, 2016

Goals for 2016

First I would like to review last years goals:
Read the bible all the way through. I accomplished this
Lose 50#s I did not doe this I actually lost weight in 2015 and gained it all back before the end of the year. How sad is that?
Walk 10,000 steps a day. I did not accomplish this either
Do something for myself monthly. I did this by going to my Mommies night out bible group.
Do better blogging. I feel like I did better but I still have a lot of room for improvement
Work on my moms quilt. This did not happen.
Be happy more. I feel like I did better with this one until the end of the year and I fell apart.

Well to begin my goals for 2016!
1. I plan on spending 30 minutes a day with God and the bible.
2. I am going to work hard on my word for the year Absolve. I have so much more I need to let go and forgive so I can live a more christian life.
3. Be kinder. I will do a random act of kindness through out the new year
4. Walk more 10,000 steps 3 or more days a week. I am planning on doing a 5K in October.
5. I put a daily water app on my phone and I have yet to drink the amount of water my body requires. This will happen.
6. I will lose that 50 pounds this year.

I started a new photo challenge to get goo with my camera again. I miss taking pictures. I have also taken a cold. I have sinuses, scratchy throat, and horrible sinus headache. I am trying a home remedy someone shared with me.
1 teaspoon of honey
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon mixed together.

So far it seems to be working.

Thanks for stopping by. God bless


  1. Hey Vicki!
    Sorry about your cold. There is so much going around. I have dodged it so far but hear coughing all around when I am out. I hope you are better soon.
    I know you will lose the weight and meet your other goals. You are a sweet soul!
    Cousin Lynn

    1. Thank you Lynn! Love you to! I am so ready to be rid of this cold and I have only had it for 4 days. Thanks for the vote of confidence!


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