Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A little bit of everything....

Where do I begin? I have gotten slack on so many thing and writing in my blog is one of them. I have been terrible not to read my bible daily. This makes me sad but I am trying to do better. I am still working everyday on getting my weight under control. I have got to say I am proud of myself for exercising everyday, but I have realized that exercise is only 20% of the solution and food is 80%. I have a lot of work to get my eating under control. I will do good for 3 or 4 days then I will blow it.
It is so hard to eat healthy when the rest of the family loves to eat out really I just love to eat!!!

I am proud of myself though. I bought the 21 day fix exercise dvd. I have done it for 31 days. I have lost 7 pounds and 12 all over. So I am making progress again. Some of my aches and pains are better but some have starting hurting. I just need to get my eating under control.

Mother's Day has came and gone and I had a great one. My boys got me a new fitbit surge.
I try to get 10,000 steps a day and some days I get more and some days less but this was just the beginning.
Me after my workout. 

Me and my boys on Mother's Day

Thank you for reading my boring blog and I apologies for being a bad blogger. I guess I should just take it down but sometimes I really enjoy it. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Nice to hear from you. I am on Facebook under Karen Shepard Mortensen. Hope you can find me.


Thank you for any comments! I love knowing who is reading my blog.