Friday, August 19, 2016

Fit and Food....

I have been trying almost 4 years to lose all this weight I gained. Any one who has read my blog knows I have struggled mostly because I love food. I have a love for sweets and salty. I get to wanting something to eat and I will walk in the kitchen opening cabinet doors, pantry door and refrigerator door looking for the perfect snack. I have fruits and veggies but at the moment that is just not what i am looking for. More like a cookie, chips, popcorn, nuts, or CHOCOLATE!!!  Love me  some chocolate. I try not to keep these things in my house because none of us as any sense to stop eating it until it is gone. I know that I am not the only person like this but it is a problem for me.

I have been following blogs, going to zumba classes, doing  21 day fix exercise and I still seem to ruin all my exercise in the kitchen, The struggle is real but I try to remember where I started.

This is at 242 at prom in 2013 
This is before and after from the last challenge I did Taking back your Temple

So now I am at the point were I want to start my own motivation support page on fb with a friend. We are in the process of coming up with a name. I will keep you updated as it comes along. 

I have had a lot on my mind lately and would love to blog about it all. I could because I know I don't have many followers, but the few I do have I don't want them to think I am some kind of whinny woman. Oh well another topic for another day. 

Thanks for stoping by

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