Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1st!

Well I am 3 days into the skinny rules. I have found it very difficult to follow the rules. I have been doing really good with the water. I have been getting in more protein than I thought I could. I am reading the food labels. I have eaten an apple a day. I have been measuring my food to get the right portion size. I always eat breakfast everyday. I like vegetables and I have eaten them everyday except today. I have stop eating after 8:00 pm. I have been sleeping and I guess I will have to say today was my splurge day.

The things I have not done so well on are as follow:  I have not gave up grains or flour. I have eaten grits and weight watchers corn bread muffins. You would not believe how hard it is to eat 30 to 50 grams of fiber. I bought some higher fiber food options today. I will have to really work on no carbs after lunch not sure this one is doable. I will really have to work on this one maybe I will start one day a week. I have been still adding a little Stevia to my coffee in the mornings. I am going to really try this giving up white potato. I bought sweet potatoes so that should work. Today I did terrible!! I had a 1/3 lb bacon cheeseburger from Hardee's. I did take off the top bun but man it was delicious, but defiantly not on my diet! So I will have to really try hard tomorrow.

We got out and worked on the pasture yesterday and today. We have really been enjoying the weather.  We have been gathering persimmons, buying apples and taking rides on the kawasaki mule.



The persimmon seed is a spoon and that means we will be shoveling snow.

My mother-in-laws calf Georgie

Persimmons on the ground

The tree is loaded with persimmons

Just thought this was cool. A bunch of flies pilled on a cable. 

Well I will end here. Thanks for stoping by.


  1. Sounds like you are doing really good Miss Vicki! I am mad at myself AGAIN. Today is my NEW start, AGAIN! :) Are you trying to make me jealous showing all those persimmons? Just kidding. I love your pictures. Those apples look delicious! Love you!

  2. Love you to! I made a persimmon pudding tonight and I only ate one piece.


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