Saturday, August 16, 2014

Not much about nothing

I am so thankful that I finally got over this cold and I have started walking again. Now to get my eating under control. I have been reading blogs about weight loss and diet and how committed they are and they don't cheat. I am going to start tomorrow and try this. Starting tomorrow I am committing to staying in my calorie range and walking for the next 15 days which will be until the end of this month. How hard can that be? I  started this weight loss journey when we got back from the beach last year, which would have been the end of August. I want this to be below 200 lbs  by the end of this August which is a year. I can do it.

I am also trying to make a decision on a new laptop. I want a new laptop and I don't know what to get. You know the "I want list" I made a few blogs back well we sold our calves and I got enough out of my calf to get a new laptop and maybe a camera if I decide on a laptop with a reasonable price. I have researched the top 2014 laptops and MacBook air is on the top but that would take almost all of my money. I could get an Lenovo and the new camera I have been wanting. I just don't know what to do. Oh well I will figure it out some way.


Thank you for any comments! I love knowing who is reading my blog.