Friday, December 6, 2013


Today would be my daddy's 70th birthday! Oh how I wish he was here to rub it in. He really hated getting older I do believe. I know what he meant, I am not to fond of it myself with the gray hair, aches and pains, not being able to sleep good at night and all of the many things that come along with getting older. He did not even get to live to be 50 so that I could have rubbed that in. Oh well. My dad was the best dad! I loved laying next to him out under the stars and listening to stories of his childhood. I always loved hearing about his times he spent with his Aunt Vastie( not sure how she spelled her name) but my dad loved spending time with her. I also loved the stories of him and his sisters on their own farm. I can just imagine all of the things that he got into. I now love reading his sister's blog "Henny Penny Lane". She helps keep his memories alive. Oh if I could only share all of the many things that I remember but I would have to write a book and it is obvious that I can not write a blog let a lone a book. I miss my dads sense of humor, his love of ice cream (fudge ripple with coke poured over the top). His love for burnt popcorn, and fishing. I have some great memories of my dad fishing, at lake Tillery, lake Wylie, and Ledbetter lake. I will never forget fishing with him on lake Wylie out on our boat and catching him in the chin with my hook, and he did not even get made a me (well maybe a little). I wish I had pictures of these memories but I don't. My dad would have been so proud to have been a Papa to 6 grandsons. It would have been so fun watching him spoil them all. Well I hope that he is having a glorious birthday in heaven with all of his family and maybe George Jones will sing to him!! Love you dad!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Vicki, what a sweet sweet post!! What good memories! You know who your dad took after as far as loving burnt popcorn...grandma Jewel. She liked everything burned. Toast, biscuits...

    You absolutely CAN write! I love reading your posts!

    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed seeing those old pictures! Sure brought back memories. Jackie was a handsome man!

    I thought about Jackie yesterday too. I always do, on his birthday.

    I love you. Aunt Melba


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